Thursday, December 13, 2007


Worked till six. Met with Isaac at Adriana's, my favorite coffee/food spot in FivePoints, here in Columbia. He left after we ate and I entertained myself outside, talking to "coffee friends" and a bum selling flowers. I told him he'd sell more flowers if he didn't seem so angry and curse all the time. He agreed and then ranted about the medicine the state had him on and how he doesn't take it anymore and he wants to buy a license to vend on the street. Almost a nice guy - but not.

Taught a particularly good bellydance class tonight. It feels good to have a small but loyal group of students. We bliss out a lot and that's GREAT!

Afterward, we went to a little burrito place and talked, in detail, about sex and kids and self-esteem. I love - I NEED - woman talk on a regular basis. Now I'm in bed, staring at the back of my lover's head. He's studying for finals and that makes me kind of glad I'm not in school... even though I severely miss academia on a regular basis.

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